Iron deficiency explained

Iron deficiency is one of the most prevalent problems facing populations living in large cities. In this article, we will talk you through the causes and consequences of blood iron deficiency and how you can improve your levels- all backed by science- including a published bioniq study!

The leading causes of low iron levels in your blood include excessive bleeding, menstruation and pregnancy, poor absorption of iron and a low dietary iron intake. However, the consequences of this should not be ignored and can range from fatigue to more serious heart complications.

According to a study published in the European Society of Cardiology, iron deficiency in middle-aged people may be linked with an increased risk of developing heart disease. The observational study showed that approximately 10% of new coronary heart disease cases occurring within a decade of middle age could be avoided by preventing iron deficiency. The study’s author, Dr Benedikt Schrage, said, “we cannot conclude that iron deficiency causes heart disease; however, evidence is growing that there is a link”. Similarly, an older study has shown that iron deficiency was linked to worse outcomes in patients with heart failure.

A bioniq study (published in the German EWG journal) was conducted in 2019 to measure blood iron levels before and after a selective individualised correction program (supplementation). Blood iron levels were determined for 314 people, of which 116 received a 30-day supplementation complex. Upon completing the course, the population showed an increase in all parameters studied. Particularly, the total concentration of iron in the blood increased by 13.4% in those taking the supplements, 10% more than those in the control group! Before receiving iron supplementation, 27% of the study population showed deviations in blood ferritin levels, and 50% demonstrated reduced levels.

Our bioniq LIFE and BALANCE programs test for ferritin levels in your blood and iron could subsequently be added to your personalised formula if your levels are below optimal. Our supplements, paired with a diet rich in iron, have all the potential to help you maintain optimal blood iron levels and feel energised throughout the day!

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